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Time Lines


Abstract Submission Deadline



Surgery video submission Deadline



115th Annual Congress of the Taiwan Society of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery

2023/12/16 ~ 17


Latest News


Welcome Message



中國醫藥大學創立於1958年,1980年設立附設醫院,中國醫藥大學醫療體系是深受民眾信賴的醫療重鎮與健康堡壘,不斷地持續進步並延伸服務觸角,建立民眾所需的醫療健康體系,目前除了台中附設總院,增建7 棟醫療大樓以外,也擴及有5 家體系醫院及多家支援合作機構。因應研究教學服務需求,學校購置舊水湳機場部分土地,規劃建立嶄新的校園,已於3年前將校本部遷到水湳校區,今年本校醫學系是第60屆(M60)醫學生畢業,剛好是一甲子的歲月,也是學會第一次在我們新校區舉辦,更有其特別的意義。

本次大會預計邀請國內外不同領域的專家進行主題演講(Keynote Speech),並安排學術論壇(Symposium)、專題演講和繼續教育課程,由各大醫療院機構和基層專家學者共同參與。涵蓋的領域包括耳科、鼻科、喉科、頭頸外科、音聲、睡眠、顱顏整形、耳鳴和小兒耳鼻喉科。我們期待透過這次會議,讓全國會員分享和討論最新的國際和專業研究成果與智慧結晶,激發和開創台灣耳鼻喉頭頸外科在國際上的學術視野和參與。同時,我們也安排了一系列基層醫療講座,以加強和提升我們在台灣基層醫療中的實力和影響力。


On behalf of the local organizing committee for the 115th Annual Congress of the Taiwan Society of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, I appreciate and express our great honor and pleasure to invite you to this 115th meeting, to be held in China Medical University (CMU), Shui-Nan, Taichung, on December 16(Sat)-17(Sun), 2023.

It has been 14 years since the last time CMU organized the 87th Annual Congress. Due to the COVID-19, we have experienced significant changes in the healthcare system, social interactions and interpersonal relationships these years. Fortunately, the situation has got improved since this May. We believe that everyone is looking forward to face-to-face knowledge sharing, academic discussions, and mutual friendship exchanging. We would like to thank the Society for giving us this opportunity to organize the 115th congress. Our team has been engaged to prepare it since the end of last year, hoping to provide a perfect academic feast for our members and offer a platform for exchanging new knowledge and friendships.

CMU was founded in 1958, and its affiliated hospital, CMUH, was established in 1980. CMUH is now a trusted and well-known medical center, continuously progressing and extending its service to meet the public healthcare needs. Currently, in addition to the Taichung main hospital, which has expanded to seven major buildings, there are also five affiliated hospitals and several collaborative medical institutes. In response to the needs of research, teaching, and medical service, CMU has acquired part of the former Shui-Nan Airport and constructed a brand-new campus. The main CMU campus was relocated to the Shui-Nan new campus three years ago. This year, CMU is celebrating the graduation of its 60th batch (M60) of medical students. Therefore, 2023 is the "sexagenary cycle" or "60-year cycle” graduate year for the medical student in CMU. It is also the first time that our Society is holding an annual congress in our new campus, making this conference even more meaningful and special.

This 115th congress is expected to invite experts from different fields, both domestic and international, to deliver keynote speeches, featured symposiums, special lectures, and continuing education courses, etc. These will include the special fields about otology, rhinology, laryngology, head and neck surgery, audiology, sleep medicine, craniofacial surgery, tinnitus, and pediatric otolaryngology, etc. We hope that through this congress, our members can share and discuss the latest academic and research achievements, thus inspiring and promoting our academic vision and participation on an international level. At the same time, we will arrange a series lectures about primary health care, in order to enhance and strengthen the capabilities and influence of our Society in the Taiwan healthcare system.

Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to the Board for allowing the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at CMUH to host the 115th congress. We hope that all the respected colleagues, experts, and friends can enjoy this scholarly and friendly feast and be filled with academic sharing and spiritual exchange.

We look forward to welcoming you in December 2023 to Taichung.

With kindest regards,

台灣耳鼻喉頭頸外科醫學會第115屆學術演講會 會長

林嘉德 Chia-Der Lin 謹識


Welcome Message



本次學術演講會的主題涵蓋了耳科、鼻科、 喉科、頭頸部腫瘤、睡眠障礙等多個領域,這反映了我們對於醫學多元性和整體性照護的關注。在這個多元且多變的時代,我們需要共同探索各個子專業領域之間的關聯,透過交流和合作,提升我們的臨床治療水準,為患者提供更全面的醫療服務。在這個令人振奮的學術交流平臺上,我們有機會與來自不同地區的專業人士共同交流、分享經驗,共同推動我們學科的進步與發展。讓我們攜手並肩,共同開創耳鼻喉頭頸外科醫學的美好未來!



Greetings to all distinguished otolaryngologists!

On behalf of the Taiwan Society of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, I am deeply honored to welcome you to the 115th Annual Conference of the Taiwan Society of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery and the 16th Taiwan-Japan Conference on Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. Due to the impact of the pandemic, the schedule for the Taiwan-Japan Conference on Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery had to be postponed until this year. However, this has not deterred the academic exchange between Taiwan and Japan in the field of otolaryngology. In this significant academic event, we will jointly explore the latest medical advancements, research achievements, and promote collaboration and exchange between Taiwan and Japan in otolaryngology-head and neck surgery. We express our gratitude to the organizers, including the Taiwan Society of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, the Department of Otolaryngology, China Medical University Hospital, and the Department of Otolaryngology, Changhua Christian Hospital, for their hard work. With your support and cooperation, we are able to create this dynamic academic event and pave the way for the advancement of otolaryngology-head and neck surgery.

The theme of this academic symposium covers a wide array of categories including otology, rhinology, laryngology, head and neck tumors, sleep disorders, and more. This reflects our commitment to the diversity and comprehensive care in medicine. In this diverse and ever-changing era, it is essential for us to explore the connections between various sub-specialties, improve our clinical standards through communication and cooperation, and provide more comprehensive medical services to our patients. Through this inspiring platform for academic exchange, we have the opportunity to communicate and share experiences with professionals from different regions, and collectively promote progress and advancement of our specialty. Let us work hand in hand to aspire to a brighter future for otolaryngology-head and neck surgery!

Lastly, I sincerely thank all the guests, speakers, exhibitors, sponsors, and all the hardworking staff who have contributed to this academic symposium. Your participation and support have made our academic symposium a great success.

Thank you all!


理事長 婁培人 謹識


Conference Venue


406040 台中市北屯區經貿路一段100號


Traffic Information

高鐵台中站 ~ 水湳校區接駁

台中捷運:高鐵臺中站 ~ 文華高中站

  • 於高鐵臺中站上車,於文華高中站下車,步行約12分鐘至水楠校本部


  • 搭乘525路線公車:「台中車站(台灣大道)」上車->於「經貿大鵬路口站」下車 -> 步行約5分鐘抵達校本部。
  • 搭乘6、9、61、11、82、101路線公車:「台中車站(台灣大道)」上車->於「大德國中站」下車 -> 步行約15分鐘抵達校本部。

  • 建議於中國醫水楠校本部大鵬路及信平路口處上下車。


1. 校內地下室內停車場 (收費)

  • 停車場入口位於信平路。
  • 可容納約400輛汽車。
  • 汽車:每小時20元/每日上限160元。機車:每次20元。
  • 車位有限停滿為止,建議可多利用大眾運輸交通工具。

2. 戶外停車場 (免費)

  • 創研22停車場,位於大鵬路及經貿路口。

飯店接駁資訊 (Hotel Shuttle)